Strong obligation- silná povinnost
Must You must go there. (Iwant you to)
I must go there. (I want to)
You must drive on the right side in the Czech Republic. (Law)
Have to I have to go to school. (rule)
Have got to (hovorové) I have (I´ve) got to stay at home tonight.
Had to
Weak obligation – slabá povinnost
Present (měl bys)
Should You should go there.
Ought to You ought to go there.
Past (měl)
Should have + 3. tvar You should have gone there.
Ought to + 3. tvar You ought to have gone there.
Lack of obligation – žádná povinnost
Present (nemusíš)
Don´t have to
(don´t need to)
Past (nemusel)
Didn´t have to (nemusel a nedělal)
Needn´t have + 3. tvar(nemusel a nejspíš dělal)
(didn´t need to) (nemusel, nebylo potřeba)