Computer network
Information network
Computer network: connection of computers which enables their communication over a wired or wireless medium to share data and other resources
Types of network
LAN – local area network – a number of computers linked together by means of cables in a limited area (usually a building)
In WAN – wide area network – computers as well as computer networks are linked together over a large distance. Many organizations operate WANs to link their offices in different parts of the country or even different parts of the world. Wordwide coverage is provided largely by satellite communications.
Peer to peer network
In its simplest form, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more PCs are connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. Security in P2P network may be a problem.
Client/server computer network
There are two types of computers – a client and a server. Users sit at client computers. The server computer is used to store data which it sends to and receives from client computers. Data stored in server computer is available to all client computers.
Risks and rewards of connecting computers
• Communication
• Data sharing
• Hardware sharing
• Internet access sharing
• Set up costs
• Management and administrations costs
• Undesirable sharing (viruses)
• Hacking, unauthorized access