Punctuation I
Vedlejší věty v angličtině:
Časové: when, after, before, as soon as, until, till ..
Místní: where
účelové: in order to,
příčinné: because
vztažné (nevypustitelné): who, which that, ….
Podmínkové: if, unless, even if …
Přípustkové: though, even though
VH + spojka + VV – žádné čásky!!!
Spojka +VV, VH - čárka odděluje věty!!!
We do not know where she lives.
Where she lives, nobody knows.
He will not come because he is ill.
Because (as, since, for) he is ill, he can´t come.
He asked me for help because he did not know what to do.
Because (as, since, for) he did not know what to do, he asked me for help.